Welcome, I'm Trevor

I love to learn and create. I've worked in software/automation roles on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Da Vinci Surgical Robot, eBeam Interactive Surfaces, and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. My passion has taken me into Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. I'm currently devoting the bulk of my time to studying, reading the latest literature, and building projects to deepen my mastery in these domains.

Card Shark with SET

Want to be a card shark? Ever played Set? This program detects and analyzes images/video of cards and highlights your best moves. Use it live or with saved images.

AutoEncoder for Anomaly Detection

AutoEncoders are often used for denoising images, or highly efficient lossy compression. They can also be used to detect anomalies that don't conform to a set of training images. I explore using auto-encoders for anomaly detection in manufacturing applications.

Image Captioner

This program has learned to write sentences describing any images that are fed into it.

Ray Tracer

Ever wonder how images are rendered in movies and video games? This ray tracer (written in C++) does just that, exploring how to write optimized code to mimic the physics underlying how light bounces through a scene, eventually reaching your eye/camera.

Robotics/Mechatronics Projects

  • A prototype glove for controlling a computer with gestures
  • A quadcopter
  • An autonomous robotic tank
facial landmarks Key

Facial KeyPoint Tracker

Find key facial features from the Youtube dataset, and apply them to images, or live video.

Lunar Lander

Reinforcement Learning Toolkit

Discover reinforcement learning with a wide range of agents, policies, and environments. Start with basic MonteCarlo agents and work up to SARSA and Deep Q-learners.

Mars Map with CRISM data

NASA / SET / Mars Orbiter

Working on Martian image processing pipeline, image cube denoising, spectral signature analysis, and simulation.

Intuitive Surgical

For I contributed to the development of the Da Vinci Surgical Robotic System for 8 years, contributing in both technical and leadership capacities. My focus was on the development of software for testing and assembly equipment.

Luidia - eBeam Interactive Whiteboards

AutoEncoders are often used for denoising images, or highly efficient lossy compression. They can also be used to detect anomalies that don't conform to a set of training images. I explore auto-encoders for anomaly detection in manufacturing applications.

RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider)

Understanding the universe in the first moments after the big bang by analyze high energy collisions of gold ions. Particularly, writing geometric routines to improve mapping of particle trajectories.


Shop / Maker Projects

Cook - Bake - BBQ - Brew
